On July 4, TERRATEC successfully completed the factory acceptance tests of a new DN1500 microtunnelling system. The cere...
In order to meet the needs of Jacobs Associates’ growing workforce in Northern California, the company’s Wal...
Versatility of Machines and Attachments Lead to Increased Use in North America By Karl H. Mitterndorfer The need to unde...
In June 2013, Maccaferri Inc. opened a new 49,000-sq ft manufacturing facility in the Sacramento, Calif., area, which is...
Tutor Perini Corp., a leading civil and building construction company, announced that it has recently been awarded a con...
Mott MacDonald has been appointed detailed design consultant by the Hindustan Construction Co.–Samsung joint ventu...
A joint venture between Thiess (50 percent), John Holland (25 percent) and Dragados (25 percent) has been selected by th...
The New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYCDEP) recently selected Jacobs Associates to provide design ...
Jacobs Associates announced that Bhaskar Thapa, PhD, PE, died on June 19. Thapa, a lead associate with Jacobs Associates...
SFMTA in May awarded the contract to construct the Central Subway’s stations, train tracks and operating systems t...
The biennial Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference (RETC) was held June 23-26 at the Marriott Wardman Park in Washin...
Jacobs Associates Names New Principals Jacobs Associates has announced the promotions of Glenn Boyce, Dave Crouthamel, T...
The California Natural Resources Agency on May 29 released a preliminary cost/benefit analysis of the Bay Delta Conserva...
The Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) announced that the Wolf Creek Dam Foundation Remediation Project is the 2013 Outsta...
2.5-m Herrenknecht AVN Completes 2,014 m of pipeline with Performances Up to 37 m Per Day A modern wastewater treatment ...