The party was over, but after more than 100,000 people spent the weekend saying goodbye to the viaduct and hello to the ...
It’s almost here. After nearly three weeks of the closure to realign the SR 99 highway away from the old viaduct, ...
If the rain holds off, drivers on the SR 99 Alaskan Way Viaduct could be treated to one final sunset drive tonight, Frid...
Seattle Tunnel Partners, the joint venture building the SR 99 tunnel in Seattle, has achieved substantial completion, th...
BASF recently introduced MasterRoc SLF 50, a new generation soil lubricant that improves performance and increases tunne...
Disassembly of Bertha, the world’s largest tunneling machine, is now complete. On Aug. 23, crews from Seattle Tunnel P...
History is being made on Seattle’s two-mile-long SR 99 tunnel under downtown, and BASF is playing a small but signific...
Bertha, the 57.5-ft diameter TBM building the S...
Bertha, the TBM mining the SR 99 tunnel in Seattle, was 219 ft from its end point as of March 27, according to the Washi...
Seattle Tunnel Partners has temporarily stopped mining to prepare Bertha, the SR 99 tunneling machine, for the final 1,0...
Innovative design of Seattle’s SR 99 tunnel facilities - including ventilation - required close coordination of static...
Crews building the SR 99 tunnel in Seattle reach another milestone on Dec. 13 as they installed the 1,000th ring. Tunnel...
The SR 99 TBM Bertha passed a significant milestone in its journey underneath Seattle. When the machine tunneled past Pi...
Seattle Tunnel Partners (STP) resumed mining following a temporary stop to change tools on the cutterhead of Bertha, th...
Seattle Tunnel Partners crews have now mined more than 4,000 ft as they continue their push toward the SR 99 tunnel’s...