McOrmond Drive Sanitary and Storm Sewer Trunks Project Needed to Accommodate Future Growth In order to accommodate the r...
Recently, TBM has started each year with a poll of experts to get a feel for where the industry is heading for the year ...
For the past couple of years, we at TBM have kicked off the New Year with an industry forecast – namely a question...
Moretrench announced that President and CEO Arthur B. Corwin, P.E., is to be honored by his alma mater, Farmingdale Stat...
The value of the world’s tunneling and drilling equipment market reached the $16.5 billion mark as of 2013, and it...
The Eglinton Crosstown’s two tunnel boring machines (TBMs) digging the western segment of the 10-km underground tu...
Course directors Levent Ozdemir, Ray Henn and Tim Coss have announced the agenda for the Ground Improvement in Und...
Seattle Tunnel Partners (STP) is making final preparations for Bertha’s move into the 120-ft deep pit that will al...
The Underground Construction Association of SME introduces the formation...
Frank Rausche, Ph.D., P.E., of GRL Engineers Inc., has been selected as the DFI 2015 Osterberg Lecturer. The lecture wil...
The Southern Nevada Water Authority (“Owner”) hereby invites interested persons or organizations, qualified ...
Brierley Associates has named Dr. Raymond Henn as Chief Consultant. Henn has more than 43 years of heavy and underground...
Gerald Verbeek, of Verbeek Management Services (VMS), has accepted the position of chair of DFI’s Testing and Eval...
The German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy, Sigmar Gabriel, visited the world market leader in mechaniz...
KS Associates Inc., a civil engineering and surveying firm located in Elyria, Ohio, has completed an important surveying...
GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc., a leading environmental and geotechnical consulting firm, recently celebrated its 50th...
Atlas Copco, an industrial group with world-leading positions in sustainable productivity solutions, ranks 23rd among th...
Black & Veatch announced on Feb. 3 that Mike Orth has been named Executive Managing Director for the Americas in the...
Hayward Baker (HB), a North American leader in geotechnical construction, announced the opening of its new office in the...
Jenny Engineering Corp., COWI North America’s specialist tunneling company, announced its restructuring of managem...